Thursday, June 14, 2012

ABS vs. Non ABS

A couple weeks ago I jumped on the freeway by work and quickly got up to the flow of traffic, which at the time was around 50mph.  However, just as quickly as I got up to speed I had to grab a fistful of brake as the cars in front of me came literally to a screeching halt.  The difference this time I had ABS brakes to bring me to a very safe stop less than a foot behind the car.

Since I’ve ridden bikes, until my most recent purchase, that didn’t have ABS it was quite a sensation.  No vibrations, no chattering, no pulsing, no skidding, no fishtailing (and hanging on for dear life), just a quick smooth stop.  It scared the bejesus out of me, like most near accidents do, but I was impressed.  It wasn’t like cars I’ve owned where that pulsing comes into play.  Just smooth (because I can’t think of another word) and safe.  There’s a saying that it’s not if the motorcyclist will go down but when…and I have gone down a few times, twice as an adult.  

I definitely owe this one to my brakes (and yes a bit of luck and experience).

Check out the following if you’re considering a bike with ABS:

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